مخطط الموضوع

  • Programme information

    The International Training Programme (ITP) ”Healthy livestock – safe food” integrates animal health and food security while exploring value chains from farm to fork in Eastern Africa. The overall objective of the programme is to reduce poverty and vulnerability among smallholder farmers. More specifically, the programme addresses how improved health in food-producing animals impact sustainable production of animal derived products, and how this interrelates to reduced usage of antimicrobials and safer food products. This is a prerequisite for achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in the 2030 Agenda.

    The programme is a part of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency’s (Sida) work and is co-implemented by the Swedish governmental authorities: the Swedish Veterinary Agency, the Swedish Board of Agriculture, The Swedish Food Agency and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. The programme focuses on sustainable changes within institutions in the livestock sector from farm to fork and involves participants from Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Since 2020, following the global emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the programme is applying a more webbased approach. By combining lecturing with exercises using practical examples from Sweden and Eastern Africa, the training will provide the participants with hands-on skills in implementing and assessing their change projects while linking it to longer-term impacts and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

  • Healthy livestock – safe food: From farm to fork ITP310/5

    Programme round start date and end date: 2023-05-16 - 2024-05-31

    Countries eligible to apply: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe

    Location: Phase 2 digital, phase 3 in one of the participating countries and phase 5 in Sweden.

    Application period: The final application date has passed and it is no longer possible to apply.

    Maximum number of participants: 25

    Application process: Application is closed.