
Målet med Sidas internationella kapacitetsutvecklingsprogram (ITP) är att stärka organisationer och institutioner för att få en mer rättssäker, transparent, effektiv och demokratisk samhällsstyrning i låg- och medelinkomstländer. Här ser du aktuella program.


Applied Land Governance East Africa

Applied Land Governance East Africa

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Prevent and respond to Gender Based Violence – strengthening agents of change

Prevent and respond to Gender Based Violence – strengthening agents of change

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Developing Strategies for National Chemicals Management

Developing Strategies for National Chemicals Management

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Healthy livestock - Safe food

Healthy livestock - Safe food

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Mine Water and Mine Waste Management

Mine Water and Mine Waste Management

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Disaster Risk Management

Disaster Risk Management

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Locally controlled forest restoration  (LoCoFoRest)

Locally controlled forest restoration (LoCoFoRest)

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Restauration des forêts et des paysages (LoCoFoRest)

Restauration des forêts et des paysages (LoCoFoRest)

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Inclusive Green Economy in Practice for Senior Civil Servants and Policy Makers

Inclusive Green Economy in Practice for Senior Civil Servants and Policy Makers

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Social Protection for Sustainable Development

Social Protection for Sustainable Development

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Applied Land Governance Liberia Zimbabwe

Applied Land Governance Liberia Zimbabwe

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